
What I’ve been doing

It’s been a while since I last posted, but yes, I’m still tracking on at the gym and with OA. And my weight is still coming down while my muscle is still building up. I had a terrific holiday in Japan with my husband in April and May – we did an eight day cruise…

Why are Japanese people healthier than Westerners?

I just came back from a three week holiday in Japan. My husband and I had a terrific time touring that amazing country. One of the things we noticed was how much thinner Japanese people were than the typical kiwi back home in New Zealand. I watched carefully and took notice, and here are some…

Putting on muscle, losing the flab…

Training is going well for this 50+ mum down here in New Zealand. I’m dropping flab nice and steadily, and I’m getting quite muscular. My shoulders are really coming along, and I’m even putting on bulk on my legs…which is very hard for me to do as I’m very tall and long-legged, so I have…

I used to be a size 20, now I’m a size 14

I’m continuing with Overeaters Anonymous, and I’m continuing to lose the weight. These days I’m dropping about 2-3 kilograms (about 6-8 pounds) a month. It’s coming off easily, I’m not starving myself. In fact, I’d say I’m eating better than I ever did before I started at OA. Altogether, I’ve dropped from a size 20…

The real reasons you can’t sleep at night

When I was obese, I had problems sleeping. Most obese people do. Now, I’m no doctor, but since I started losing significant amounts of weight and moved down into a healthier weight range, my sleep quality has been terrific. My typical night used to be spending several hours awake, tossing and turning, and eventually giving…

Stopping the binges by eating protein? It works.

Have you ever noticed how when you start eating carby snacks you can’t stop? Betcha can’t eat just one… Same with fatty treats. Given the chance, I think I could easily eat my own body weight in chocolate. Protein is different. No matter how I try, I can’t eat too much chicken, or beef, or…

Personal bests – and sticking to the plan

Yesterday I managed 70 kgs (154 pounds) on bench press. Not bad for an old chick! I also managed 100 kgs (220 pounds) on the hammer strength decline press machine. Another personal best. I was really pleased with both. I’m putting on a lot of muscle at the moment, and the fat is coming off.…

Well, I was a dumbass…

On Friday I thought it would be a great idea to have some chips (fries) from the local fish and chip shop with my steak. After all, the kids were having them. Plus, I’d been good all week. Diet and exercise had both been great, and I was feeling positive. But now, Sunday evening, I’m…

Can some people just not eat carbs?

Carbs – processed carbs – don’t work for my body. Foods like rice, potatoes and quinoa are okay – although they’re quite addictive and I really have to be careful with my intake. Processed carbs are completely different. Pastries, biscuits, bread, pasta – these kinds of foods are hugely addictive for me. I start eating…

What happens to your body when you get fit and lose weight

Pretty much everyone wants to lose weight to look better. But hardly anyone talks about the changes in your body that can make you feel better when you start to get fit and lose weight after years of, well, sitting on your arse. So let me talk about a few of the changes I’ve experienced.…


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